This isn't bad. :) But this is nothing too new or interesting...
thanks for all your good votes and reviews. because of that, i have made a longer version but if you have a slow internet connection you can still see the shorter version
This isn't bad. :) But this is nothing too new or interesting...
I bet someone, somewhere thinks this is amazing... You music button only works to turn the musix off but not on.... and this reminded me of some weird Acid trip with a pencil.
The first one was great...
And this new longer version is even better. A few people have said the background color is bleh, but if that's the worst thing you can find about this flash, it's a testament to its greatness. Love the movement and flow of the sketches, love the beats, just wish I knew why you spell sketch wrong in both titles (intentional, not intentional, reason if the former? heh).
nice piece of work
now thats art!!!!
i liked that times two. freeform animation is so much fun.