Task Failed Successfully: This game is far too much fun, far too functional, and far too genuinely entertaining to be A Bad Game. It's all there though: the flailing graphics tossed together in a basic drawing program, the infuriating use of popups to provide mission info and plot, very short repetitive midi covers of Better Games' soundtracks as barely music, sound effects made from mouth noises that bleed over each other and make a cacophonous mess of noise, glitchy and broken mechanics and no real satisfying ending. Unfortunately, it all makes for a very fun game that's genuinely charming. The game has all sorts of little quirks and exploitable mechanics to make it completely broken: with enough persistence and determination you can get Deep Ones and Angels early on and spam healing to be nigh-invincible, and with the right amount of heal spamming you can use THE CURSE to spike max HP to ridiculous levels. I managed to carry the Princess archer all the way through the reset to rescue Herself and cause a time paradox, and discovered on the way there that in the first level the game won't let you progress if there are Fire Imps in your party. I had to kill the boss and then let random enemies kill my Fire Imp party member for the quest to be considered complete. This one is a good game disguised as a bad game, 9/10