Such is life.
For the broadcast of BBC Radio 4 PM series reporting on the rise of knife crime incidents across the UK, this animation focuses on one attack in February 2017, giving us an insight from a mother’s perspective, of the night her son was murdered.
WINNER Mixed Media/Experimental Short, Florida Animation Festival.
Original release: April 2019
Interview: Michelle McPhillips
Journalist: Andrew Bomford
Assistant editor: Jonathan Harvey
Sound design: Luke Holmes
Music: Curtis Coello
Directed, animated and edited by cribble
Such is life.
i i feel different now
The art style is beautiful! Conveys the story well.
The art and the story telling were amazing! I strongly felt her emotions, very heart breaking. Not sure if the audio is of a real mother's experience or a voice actor, but definitely felt the emotions. My only complaint is that I hardly doubt a stabber, shooter, or a murderer has feelings (at least normal feelings) so awareness might not be a solution to the problem. The issue stems from tyranny, greed, poverty, racism, drugs, gangs, etc. If we can't solve such problems, we should at least learn how to avoid such situations (mistakes made by stabbed kid) and try to not repeat them if possible. Also learning self defense is a must if you're going to go to dangerous areas. As humans we are doomed to death, misery, and loss, so the least we could do is to appreciate our loved ones and be nice to them because you never know when you're going to lose them, and appreciate having the experience of knowing them, because there are a lot of people who aren't fortunate enough to experience such relationships.