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Melina DD Run!

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!!!PRESS F3 if the screen doesn´t fit!!!

F4 for fullscreen



Numb0 = Roll

F3 - Fit Screen

F4 - Fullscreen

For Android and PC

The version 1.0.1 is out now.

Some bug fixes:

Melinas Bandage outfit was buggy now it is fixed.

Updatet APK.


Melina DD run is, as the name suggests, a run game in which Melina automatically runs forward!You can jump and roll, you can shoot down the bosses with T-Coins.

T-Coins ???

During the run you collect coins.

With this you can buy new items in the shop, e.g. more hearts.

Free to play:

you can unlock 2 levels

Cave and Halloween

at the beginning you have the grass level at your disposal.

9 outfits can be unlocked as well as 10 pictures in the gallery.

You can get Melina up to Lv. 10 train the higher your level the more items in the shop.


Melina DD Run ist wie der Name schon sagt ein Run Game indem Melina automatisch nach vorne rennt!

Ihr könnt springen und rollen, die Bossgegner könnt ihr mit T-Coins abschießen.


Im laufe des Runs sammelt ihr Münzen ein.

Damit könnt ihr neue Items im shop kaufen z.b mehr Herzen.


ihr könnt 2 Levels freispielen

Cave und Halloween

am Anfang steht euch das Grass Level zu verfügung.

9 Outfits sind freispielbar sowie 10 bilder in der gallery.

Ihr könnt Melina bis zu Lv. 10 trainieren um so höher eurer Level desto mehr Items im Shop.

Melina DD compete solution / komplett lösung:


Collected T-Coins Level. Up:

Lv2: =150

Lv3: =320

Lv4: =500

Lv5: =950

Lv6= 1600

Lv7= 3400

Lv8= 5650

Lv9= 8850

Max. = 13.000


Outfit vorausetzung:

Long Jeans Outfit: collect 20 Hearts

Last cave Outfit: play all 3 stages of the cave level 10 times

Red Top Outfit: 5000 T-Coins Shop, lv.3

Lynnfox Outfit: tap the "secret button" 10 times

Halloween Outfit: play all 3 Stages of the Halloween level

Devil in red Outfit: defeat any boss 20 times

Bandage Outfit: Loose 100 times

Bikini Outfit: 10.000 T-Coins Shop, lv.8

Tape Outfit: Buy tape and scissors in the shop, tape -lv10, tape- lv9



Heart x1: Lv.2

Red Top Outfit: Lv.3

Heart x2: Lv.4

Heart x3: Lv.5

Feather: Lv.6

Heart x4: Lv.7

Bikini: Lv.8

Tape: Lv.9

scissors: lv.10


You can unlock one picture per stage.

Last Picture: Get every Clothes!

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Neat, but inputs start to lag as the stage goes on. Frustrating enough that I'm not going to bother trying to complete stage 2.

PlanetTzero responds:

Its maybe you play it online, you can also download it and test it. :)

Lost more that 100 times.
Didn't get outfit

Edit: Thanks for fixing. Though my stats reversed. Oh and now it says "Bosses: 1" in statistics even though I defeated more of them.

PlanetTzero responds:

Oh srry i see! Its a little bug, i fix it tomorrow!!! Thanks for ur comment!
EDIT: Update is done


too bad im on chromebook

Even in fullscreen mode the game doesn't fit the screen, the top is cut off which I'm guessing hides some buttons.

The sound and music are ok.

PlanetTzero responds:

You have to press F3 ^^
or play it on a smartphone

Credits & Info

2.93 / 5.00

Nov 1, 2020
9:05 PM EST