I can relate... See myself as a wolf too
/*** This rumination is audio heavy, so if you don't want to hear a grown man howl you should mute the window. The words are all there in text anyways. ***/
You heard once that ancient history requires a Roman perspective but 'you've never been good at riddles...
Before you created this place, you labelled these audio-files.
I've known you a very long time. When you started coming to this place again all I could do is what you programmed me to do. It's my job to help you escape this home you used to know...however, there's problem other than just your inability to forget the things that make you hate yourself.
It's outside in the snow. It's been trapped out there, and it wants to watch you die again, and again, and again, and again--
But we can do this together! You just need to figure out what your pain tolerance is first!
I can relate... See myself as a wolf too