As a game jam game aiming to be a metroidvania within the 48 hour constraint, good job. But I do feel that iframes for enemy damage would have been a more fair addition to new players. I also noticed a minor audio bug where the steps sound effect kept playing when both left and right are held, making the player not move.
That's the big thing with this game. It's very unrefinded. While endings and abilities are great things that were done with this game given the scope it had to work with, they don't amount to something truly compelling without the stakes of the game design matching the quality of the ideas this game has with abilites and endings. Enemies are very basic and taking the time to give them some form of more advanced AI, even something as simple as locking onto the player and shooting bullets and chasing them will help make using the gun and climing claws a lot more intersting.
Overall, this game amounts to being average. It could really be elevated with improvements from the addition of backgrounds layers rather than a solid color, enemies with a little bit more going on with their attacks and getting hit not almost insta killing the player via adding player iframes.