Hi He Ho How Fun!
Hi He Ho How Fun!
All things considered, there definitely is a game here, at least. It mostly functions as intended fine, and there's nothing inherently wrong with it just being another Snake with a twist (the difficulty settings are a good touch). That being said, there are a lot of things I would change for aesthetics and a couple play problems. For one, the music really grinds on the nerves the longer you play in, and seems a bit too "energetic" for what's happening on screen? Also, every now and then a keystroke doesn't register (especially when two are done in quick succession, like you have to in tight corners) and it's led to me losing several times now. The general "effort" that shows is just lacking as well, and I'm not trying to be harsh in saying that. There is a lot of just pasting in effects and repeated, generic bits. The no-internet dinosaur minigame could hold someone's attention for longer.
Wow, when I posted this game I don't spect that someone would actually write a review about it. This is a game I did two years ago as a first assignment to a college course of videogames development, that sadly I had to drop. The assignment was to make a game in a week following a tutorial to learn Construct 2, so yeah, I didn't really put a lot of time in it. So why I posted it? To learn, basically. I retook the class this year and our professor said that we have to post the game to get reviews and learn and get better at this, so I posted this and the game that I did this year.
So receiving your comment it's really helpful. I thought the music was cool, but reading your opinion made me rethink about it. I can't promise to solve the bugs soon because of college, but I will definitely take in consideration your review when I have some time. Thank you :3