could be better
Log in to save your medals! Don't have an account? Create one for free!
Play a mini incremental game to unlock another, and another. Then combine their powers and play through the storyline.
Each minigame has unique mechanics but limited interactivity. The complexity comes once you start assisting one from the other. The central buttons are for destroying a thing, and in most cases this is what you want to start with.
Unlike my previous games, this one has no hidden unlockables. Everything but the first few buttons need to be unlocked, but they're always in plain sight. Buttons with rounded corners need to be clicked, buttons with square corners can be held down. The menu items open on hover (its a pure css menu).
Have fun, and please support myself and all your favorite creators!
could be better
High score says you haven't reached endgame. It's more exciting, I think. Maybe that's what you're looking for?
It won't load at all. I don't know why. It's pretty irritating. Is there any way to fix this? I really want to be able to play this game.
best advice is try a different browser
destruction 100
This is relatively easier to understand and progress than an old house or circus for me. The problem is I've completed the rightward path twice now (leftward 0, rightward 7) but when the end screen pops up saying the medals should be unlocked, it doesn't.
refresh. sometimes newgrounds logs you out of scoreboards if the game in sitting too long. If the achievement appears in the game's achievement window, it will resend on refresh.
I really love your html games i can see all the effort you've put in to the code
unfortunately i would like to point out a few thing that haven't changed in your games
Mainly actually just one and that's the use of import from.
import from was introduced in ecs6 rolled out in all browser between 2015-2017(not 100% accurate data). That means that older browser will not be able to play this game their are a few solutions for this online. I personally recommend compiling your game with browserify.
My games are in webassembly, which is even newer than that. I couldn't support older browsers if I wanted to. So best to use modern standards.