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RollerQuest - Demo

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Hey Everyone!

This is the first demo of our new game: RollerQuest! As of right now, the game only has one level. In the weeks to come, more levels and worlds will be added. Come check out our Patreon for more: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=36276769

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The rate of fire seemed very low, I was expecting to be able to fire again as soon as 1 shot hit.
I don't agree that the game needs a lot more complexity. You have 4 different fire buttons, and you're shooting from a moving position, that's pretty much enough complexity from a control standpoint.

I did try repeatedly to go to track 2 before I read in the description that there was only one level so far.

I think the game is currently pretty good, but a bit too short.
Larger tracks would obviously add to the game, and likely would be additional levels.
I would suggest making each level slightly bigger than the last.

I can see adding in some things like road blocks, or bounce points.
Try not to increase the difficulty too fast as you make new levels.
Remember that the creators understand the controls, and likely have practiced a lot.
New players will be having to learn all aspects of the game from scratch.

Some things that might make the game more challenging:
Targets that must be hit from a specific direction.
Targets that deflect a shot without stopping it.
Targets that rotate when hit from the right direction.
Rotating targets would also likely have another property, like one of the above.

Imagine if the 2nd track was exactly like the first, but the crystal had to be hit from all 4 directions to advance...

Or if the crystal had to be hit from the left or right, but the last rocks could only be hit from top or bottom, requiring them to be cleared before the crystal could be shot from the side.

A figure 8 track with 2 crystals could also be done, and would work like the first track doubled.

Flynn-Studios responds:

Thanks 5marter!
I've already updated and reworked the controls so that it's WASD to point the cannon and space to shoot. It will be implemented in the next release. I was considering making the firing time shorter, but I want to keep a little bit of a cooldown so players can't spam shoot and win extremely quick. I really like your idea about bounce points. I think I can use that to also implement a loss feature in the event that your projectile bounces and hits you. I'm still working out the kinks since this is my first game. Seriously though, thank you so much for the feedback! It's extremely helpful!

i can see a future to this but it still needs more mechanics like more tracks were you can change your direction allowing to add the ability to escape enemy attacks and also making upgrades that change how you fire or your velocity, i know it would be hard to add and that this as simple as it looks its really hard to make (at least for me) but if you add this kind of things i think the game could be really good

Flynn-Studios responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback ivanirucho! I'm currently working on adding more mechanics. In later levels there will be more "puzzle" features, track changes, and hopefully some enemies. Just wanted to get the basics for this demo to see what people think of it.

Credits & Info

2.81 / 5.00

May 29, 2020
8:25 PM EDT