Beyond gay.
like train valley, if it was gay
left click and move mouse to create train tracks for the trains to -CHOO CHOO over,! intense!
right clcik to delete tracks, middle click to view current score
can you make it to LEVEL 14????? thats the last level.
Beyond gay.
"you have to like click, then move mouse to point rails. its tricky and by tricky i mean bad coding."
I think more to the point is: it isn't a fun game the way it is currently.
But it is very very close.
Maybe you could make it so that the track doesn't default to being perpendicular to the desired direction on the first map?
Slowing down the train on the first wave, so that players can get used to the controls, would also be good.
This is less of a train simulator, and more of a rail / rail company simulator.
how do we turn the rails?
you have to like click, then move mouse to point rails. its tricky and by tricky i mean bad coding.