Current score is closer to 3 stars than 2... dunno how I found your profile, likely submitted something the Portal recently. It occurs to me that, since you've been a member here for about 4 years, something is keeping you here other than hentai and a possible existential dread of youtube, commercial pr0n and whatever video games or IRL work you have to occupy your time.
It's far better for normal people to make hot garbage, than dedicated/educated normies, who think the world (and wallet) will revolve around their published efforts.
Figured I'd follow you, to see if you can whip up something like this in the future. Can tell a decent amount of effort went into this, but from this, I'm sure you've learned some shortcuts and gotten your sea legs, as it were. Don't kys, but don't give up. Never know what kinda bullshit story will inspire someone to ... anyways, good luck, take care, don't let the bastards get u down