I applied mr Rhavangogh
Hosted by Rhav_Snook (Rhavangogh)
A reanimation collab to reanimate the intro scene for Super Smash Bros. 64 for the N64. This project is a dedicated tribute and non-profit project that shows animators gratitiude towards Nintendo and their creations. The project is currently hosted on Twitter and links and Info are down below. Any Questions? Send an email.
Email Applications to: smash64reanimated@gmail.com
Collab Link: https://twitter.com/64Reanimated
Scene shot list for collab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JsUjkF1rkY_nRwTsqPudV29Rb83P_dCR8oledBdxfPA/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=101784249660770233087
Info doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13DG-duOB2w9i86qfQKlliSfs6OHuZSX4XPoToW4dt6Q/edit
~ Songs and images are owned by Nintendo and their respective teams. I do not take any credit for these copyrighted properties.
I applied mr Rhavangogh
So excited for this!!
This should be good. Can't wait to see the final result