In a castle populated by dragons, an intense disagreement with a man named Oripus unleash a conflict that may lead dragons to their doom. Only a dragon named Dario who stands against Oripus after received prophetic visions and tries to save the dragons from annihilation.
This was my thirds short film after La Espada De Fuego and Un Día En El Colegio. This was the very first time I have several roles as animator, writer, director, editor and voice actor. Although the bad drawing, lame animation and bad quality recording, this short film was well accepted in highschool where I was studying. Even me, the principal and my literature teacher planned a premier for the school exhibition which was never realized due economic situations. Next year (the last year on highschool) tried to make the premier again, but it was cancelled for stormy rains. Even so, that didn't stop me from turn this project into what would be my very first animated series which now counts with 6 episodes and there's still plenty more to develop.