This was a truly charming and quirky experience.
The design of this game is ultimately pretty original. The actual mechanics and progression really make me think of an 80's arcade game. The simplicity of the systems in place makes the game easy to learn, but moving fast enough to take down cannons and bosses later on can be challenging.
While everything fits together pretty well, Lure is by no means free of problems. By far the biggest setback in this game is the sticky, jagged hit detection. When moving around any object, such as the trees or rocks, the old man tends to get stuck on the edge, making it more difficult than it should be to avoid projectiles. There was even a time I was hit by a cannonball and was knocked into the geometry of a river, unable to move. Luckily this didn't detract from the flow of gameplay much and allowed me to enjoy the whole campaign. Lure depends largely on fast reflexes, especially in the later levels. Some have said that the boss battles are too frustrating, but I didn't experience much of a problem. The most times I ever had to replay a level was maybe 4. While the timing is tight and the hit detection can make for a frustrating experience, the bosses are fairly well balanced for what this game is.
Aside from the mechanics being fun, this game's aesthetic design adds a lot of personality. I love that the main protagonist is a simple old man who just wants to stay at his hut and fish. It would have been easy enough to make another generic, brown-haired young guy be the placeholder character to experience the game through, but the extra details of the old man's long grey beard and frail appearance help to emphasize the comedic tone this game carries not only in its writing, but also in its in-game assets. Aside from the comically jaunty action music that plays during every level, the animated running and punching animations of the old man are absolutely ridiculous looking and make the absurdity of the game that much more enjoyable. Though the writing is overall stale, the presentation is silly enough to be amusing. Definitely looking forward to seeing what levels the community develops in the future.