That was a heckin awesome game, man! At one point I turned my grav boots off on level 9 to launch to the door from the blue cube, but when I let go Mr. spaceman was subjected to some brief torture as he shook up and down rapidly a few times before being launched straight down at max speed. That was the only glitch I encountered.
Sidenote on that glitch; it was super easy to get the game to break when I messed around with changing the polarity of the boots and jumping off the platforms on level 9.
I am a bit bugged that when you reverse polarity instead of being pushed away gradually you snap outside the circle, but that's alright for what the game is.
EDIT: After some more playing around on level 9, I've discovered that you can't walk left around the magnetic cubes with the magnetism on, or at least I can't it makes him snap around but stay on the side he's on when attempting to turn the corner, until I go right or turn the magnetism off to go left.
I've also discovered that it takes some trying to get a glitch to happen sometimes when just switching between polarities between the cubes.
EDIT Sidenote: I really would like to see more of this kind of game, maybe a sequel with a bit more advanced physics? I do enjoy glitches, up until they end up game-breaking, which none of these glitches were.