Thor Clock takes over the Clock Crew. Part 14 of the epic SaGa
Watch from part 1
and the follow up
Will RedBookClock be a plucky rebel or a hapless lacky of the villain? Only time will tell.
The static effect when AMPM was making a deal with the darkest dark of dark ones was genius, and extremely clever. I love little details like that!
It was a little more tricky setting it up so the static was above the wall The Dark Thor came out from but below Thor
Nip this problem in the butt, my liege
Problem like this are a diamond dozen, but you can't just rest on your L'Oréals and take your power for granite. It's a doggy dog world out there, pop-tart
Somewhat menacing new clocks appearing to do battle with these bastions currently clashing... next one oughta be interesting too!