By the skin of its teeth, it wasn't blammed. That's almost as impressive as the fact that you managed to waste my time writing a review on this "game"
Don't touch red. Don't fall in pit. This is a old game so it's not the best.
Press the start button in the corner to play.
By the skin of its teeth, it wasn't blammed. That's almost as impressive as the fact that you managed to waste my time writing a review on this "game"
Not good, at all. Needs work. The controls can be a wonky at times and it's also very bland. You can "win" by pretty much staying completely still and moving from time to time whenever the boards turn red. With some work, it could be good but right now, I don't think there's much of a reason for you to post this here. All things considered it's also very boring honestly. Looked at some of your other games and they were of similar, albeit slightly higher quality. Maybe spend some more time practicing?
¿Es un solo cubo rojo o dos?, pregunto esto debido a que me han salido dos a la vez en una de las ocasiones que lo jugué.