oh hell yeah dude these cat girls lookin hella THICC
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It's a very early alpha version of my game, just wanted to know if it's something that has potential/interest for further development :)
oh hell yeah dude these cat girls lookin hella THICC
Would love a full version. Maybe something more Huniepop-eqsue where you can have several cat girls.
It has potential. It was strange to play with no music or sound effects. I can also tell you were avoiding drawing hands on the still images, but you can do it with some practice!
If only there was more content. Feels too short
I like the game
The art is cool
Models are nice
Being able to customize the room is fun
Found a bug where i sold and bought stuff from the electronics store and somehow ended up with a negative value for an item and i could keep selling it over and over again... so in other words infinite money
Cant scroll down in the food menu
Room sometimes does not get saved when i click save
Both of the cabinets can be placed out of bounds
Am interested