It's a very basic snake game.
I guess it's alright if you're a beginner but there's not much to talk about. The one single gameplay mechanic works and the speed is chosen well. Minimalistic art style suits the game well.
As for tips for improvement:
– The resolution is too big, so it would take quite long to fill the screen up. I'd make the snake and the dots at least twice as big.
– There are no walls, which gives you the impression that you can leave the screen and reenter at the opposite end, but instead, you crash. On top of that, it's hard to tell where the edges of the screen are because Newgrounds has a very similar background. I'd add a wall around.
– The eating sound should ideally be a single *chomp*, not two at once which might be slightly confusing.
– There's no score, so you don't know how well you're doing.
– Please don't use alerts for anything related to the game. If nothing else, they're annoying and after a while, browsers will start blocking them.