holy shit this is sick
The habitats and behaviour of various Brackenwood creatures is documented in this series from the forgotten Viccan archives.
This episode is made with Unreal Engine (backgrounds) and Toon Boom Harmony (2D animation) and was a test to see if I could bring the two together for a complete project. As the test was successful, I've started building more Brackenwood environments in UE4 for more Brackenwood movies, including the continuation of the Dashkin story.
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UPDATE: I used this movie to apply for an Epic MegaGrant, as I'm using Unreal Engine for the backgrounds. My application was accepted, which means I now have a bunch of cash to spend on the next movie, currently in progress with (as of March 2020) over 2 minutes of animation complete.
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I started this series to fill in the gaps between major projects. It seems like I've been silent for a decade but the reality is that two Brackenwood games took 8 years to fail. I'm (kinda) still alive and have been working on Brackenwood (pretty much) constantly since 2009's Last of the Dashkin.
Thank you for front page!
holy shit this is sick
This is amazing
Different animation tools yield different results. I personally think that the definition given to the prowlies in this teases the viewer of the possibilities on just how far you can go. Just ignore the haters.
not great
On April