Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Physical pain is hard but livable, but you can't live with emotional pain. Not really.
This short animation is based off a twitter meme from last year. If you guys like it please let me know. Also follow me on social media!
Twitter - https://twitter.com/aye_jonny
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/jonathan_askew
YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjUum3dNCNH8h9pPACYxTQ?view_as=subscriber
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Physical pain is hard but livable, but you can't live with emotional pain. Not really.
I feel ya man life can be tuff
The fucking audio quality makes this so much fucking better lmao
Very nice
So this was pretty nice here the animation was nice and the art style was great, the film was good seemed a bit short maybe some added content and added scenes but even as it is now its pretty good so nice job here I like the animation it was entertaining even.
as mentioned above
Don't listen to Cyberdevil, he's trying to lead you astray. When you said "I'm cumming", it really got my rocks off. (And I'm the straightest guy I know, I swear.)
Good job, buddy.
Could really use some new VA talent with this one! Idea's good but eh... could really use one more VA here! A female one. All good otherwise.