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D&D 5e Skill Check Roulette Wheel

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Roulette wheel to simulate and visualize a d20 skill check in D&D 5e.

DC: Difficulty Class, the number you need to equal or surpass to succeed.

Bonus: The total bonus/penalty that the player gets to the skill check.

Threshold: If you have a more complicated check that has tiered failure conditions, you can add a threshold. "If you fail by 5 or less..."

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Fun gadget, I would add an option to show sections of the wheel for natural 1s and 20s

conrad500 responds:

skill checks don't score criticals. I was working on other types of things but it would add a lot of bloat with a lot of work with very little payoff. This isn't really for replacing all d20 rolls.

My first version could be used for that, so maybe i'll revisit this project later.

Pretty good for being able to visualize your chances on a roll, also when you set the modifier to a minus sign, the spinner becomes a tiny orange circle with a line comin' out of it and it makes me laugh.

conrad500 responds:

FUCK i forgot to take that out xD

I was trying to allow for negative numbers, but it allows you to put the - in any spot, and then i never re-restricted it... thanks for the catch, the orange circle is the movieclip that spins to make the thing work lol.

This is usefull for DnD, but it does not look like it fits the theme entirley. Try making the background darker, or change it to somthing with an actual dungeon in it. When the answer is releced, some nice flouseshes of particles would add so much to it. Very usefull tool.

conrad500 responds:

I literally found a random stone texture, changed the tint and slapped on some basic graphics.

I couldn't think of anything good for a background and I didn't want to just steal a picture off of google.

What kind of flourish do you think would work?

Credits & Info

2.83 / 5.00

Dec 31, 2018
11:17 AM EST