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Alien Cow Farm

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Alpha Update: The web build above is provided for convenience, but performance (both frame rate and overall loading time) will be much better by downloading and running a local build from my website: https://www.zwolya.com/alien-cow-farm

You'll also get access to the new save functionality and the high-score system! I've been able to get marked performance improvement over the previous version. Loading for the largest map can still take up to a minute, but be patient and it will finish. Once in the game, frame rate should no longer be an issue. As before, textures will not display properly on browsers other than Firefox and Chrome.

This is an Alpha build, which means that it is still a work-in-progress and missing much of the total planned content. You can navigate through all the menus, play a game session, and loop back around and do it again...all without encountering any [major] bugs. There is currently only one game map and still a lot of "coming soon" menus. But don't worry, plenty more is planned for the Beta and final releases. I ask that if you play, please take the time to fill out a survey about your experience. I know they're a pain, so I tried to make it as humorous as possible:
Every response will help make the next version better!

Please keep in mind that THIS IS AN ALPHA BUILD. It's perfectly okay to be critical of the things that are in the game, but not the things that are not in the game...at least for now. Some things that are definitely coming in future versions:
Additional planet maps
Additional game modes
COM AI for non-player UFOs
Achievements and leaderboards
Better / auto-aiming for shots
Camera clipping fix
Music and sound effects

Zoom around as a UFO and abduct as many cows as possible for your very own Alien Cow Farm! Play different game modes to set high scores, then challenge your friends to a multiplayer battle royale! After all, what fun is having a trap that lures nearby cows if you're not using it to steal from your opponents?

The game can be played with up to four players, but in this version, more will be more fun. All forms of dual-stick controllers are supported, plus one player can use the keyboard. Onscreen prompts will show Player1 how to navigate all the menus, and in-game controls can be found on the How To Play and pause menus). Try all of the different game modes, lengths, and map sizes!

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Ok, So I got a notice that there was an update to the game, so I came back to see what's new. It crashed when I played in the browser, so I downloaded the game, and it.. worked. Going through the menu was a lot better experience than the last one, and there wasn't as much blank default menu text. I tried to get my husband to play with me, but for whatever reason it wouldn't let us use both the controller and the keyboard (I only have one controller for pc) IDK if it's the game or my laptop, but when I plugged in the controller it would default use to player 1, and disable keyboard use. I played the new game style, Hunt, and I noticed it was really laggy. The spacecraft was slow, and the controller/keyboard was unresponsive. Like I would try and pick up a cow, and I would accidentally drop it since it wasn't recognizing I was pressing 'a' or 'space', like it was only recognizing some of the keystrokes. I don't know if it was because of how laggy it was, or the game design, but it took forever for the cow to respawn (I actually saw him pop into existence). Most other concerns I have, Like cpu's and more maps, sound like they are still in the works. I still love how whimsical and unique the game is.

*If you ever have an earth map please put in a south park easter egg.

zwolya responds:

The abduction beam IS transparent...are you by chance playing on an IE or Edge browser? They do not support WebGL and loading textures correctly.
Other polish is definitely coming in the next version!

And the game just broke down on me. Apparently some Javascript failed to load.

I'm withholding my vote until you can provide a better build that DOESN'T involve going to your site. :/

zwolya responds:

Can you tell me what browser you were using? As I said in the description, I've seen some long load times for certain things, but the only other issues I've seen while testing have been graphics problems in IE and Edge.

Credits & Info

3.03 / 5.00

Dec 26, 2018
4:21 PM EST