very good
Junk food is bad for you. Especially these guys.
This is my 30 second final for my Animation Studio 1 class.
It's a sequel to this comic I made last semester:
Another thanks to Ex!!! for letting me use his track and for all people who helped me put this together<3 Hope you all enjoy!
EDIT: HOLY SHIT thanks for the frontpage!! Tom, if you're reading this, you made my week you son of a tankman.
very good
They should show this in health class.
Well its an interesting view point I will have to say that the animation was nice and the sound was decent, seems like you could have some nice series based off this the whole black and white style of it was another nice touch but anyways I liked what you have done here with this film.
as mentioned
Really cool.
Great Animation and i like the charcters.