This video may contain some strong language, sexual content, dark content, and with a few emotional scenes that may be considered inappropriate for the persons under the age of 17.
Viewer discretion is advised.
This video was 51.68 MB to make to be exact.
And being a measly 16 minutes and 5 seconds long.
XtremeEdward2018 got turned into a cat, and his eyes turns red, and when it was too late, all hell brakes loose. He turns bigger and stronger, and threatens to kill LooneyTunesFan2018, the returning character, and classic jax. So, both of them must stop him and save his life before it's too late.
So sit back and try to enjoy the video, we apologize for any dark content and strong language with sexual content in this video.
Predecessor: XtremeKendra Turns Into A Female Snorlax
No copyright infringement intended.