It's fine enough for what it is, but the character moves far too slow and almost elicits a response of boredom for that very reason.
Finally the first World has been completed. I now have looping music, which i made...its okay and it pauses every once and a while. I have 10 levels, and you cannot skip to the next level by right clicking and selecting play or forward. Also, I have not fixed the problem where occasionally you sink into the walls, i dunno why it does that, but i yet to fix it. Also, sorry but no game over screen...I'm really lazy about that, so it'll end up sending you back to the level screen if you die. And unfortunately the game is really sensative about how clode you are to enemies. I wish it weren't but thats the only coding I learned. Well there it is. If anybody is intrested in the coding, feel free and ask for it.
It's fine enough for what it is, but the character moves far too slow and almost elicits a response of boredom for that very reason.
it's okayu but you vould improve it and make one awesome game!
COME ON!!! If you put your mind to it, i bet you can make something 5 times as good as this, which would only be 5 cause this is crap... but seriosly, put more effort into it.
Isn't this very much like the original? If you were updating it, you could've just re-uploaded it onto the original and post the changes in your author's comments. Make something different, or maybe other levels for that game.
I liked it...
I liked the game it was rather addicting... what I didnt like was the even if you weren't close to an enemy you would die... and the music gets really annoying after like its looped 2 times. change the music for each level or something, also add indication sounds when you get something, like when you hit the switch, or when the bomb things are gonna blow up, and make the numbers bigger for the bomb, they were hard to read. Other then that good job!