Certainly interesting. One thing I need to point out is that I had no sense of scale. This was particularly obvious when the rovers appeared. I had no idea what size they were.
My friends, 4 years ago we created the original Lunar Space Elevator animation. Since then, I've recieved feedback about it and how it could have been improved.
Using some of your feedback, I made some changes. A different music track, some trims, cuts, and tweaks. It is ow about 2 minutes shorter than the original
-----------Information about the original project----
Let me know what you thought about this revision. Is it better than the original?
Could a Space Elevator be built on the Moon? What could such a project look like?
This video aims to demonstrate how a Lunar Space Elevator could be deployed and operated on the Moon.
This is a tweaked version of the collaborative animation between LiftPort and animation students from Glasgow Caledonian University who worked together to visualize this concept.
The soundtrack to this Space Elevator animation was provided by Stellardrone.
The original video can be seen here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/705691
The deployment and operation of LiftPort Group's Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure.
A Collaboration between DSEA, GCU, and Liftport.
DSEA: https://www.facebook.com/DSEAgroup
GCU: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/
LiftPort: http://www.liftport.com/
Stellardrone : http://stellardrone.bandcamp.com/
Animated by Final Year Students at Glasgow Caledonian University, School of Engineering and Built Environment:
Gavin Dunsire
Laura Rantanen
Ioana Tibuleac
Maja Wydrych
Supervising Lecturers:
Steven Anderson
Eddie Horn
Audio Courtesy of:
Stellardrone : http://stellardrone.bandcamp.com/
A Collaboration between LiftPort and DSEA
Special Thanks to:
Canaan Martin (LiftPort Group): http://www.liftport.com/
David Evans (DSEA) : http://DSEA.UK
Certainly interesting. One thing I need to point out is that I had no sense of scale. This was particularly obvious when the rovers appeared. I had no idea what size they were.
Not bad pro grade