since Ursula means "little bear" like Ursa Minor, I think that you could have chosen a better name like Barbara which means mysterious stranger.
Sean boynton's computer went wrong because of Virus emails.
Ursula's Origin.exe came out from the computer and then he started to attack History and science museum, the IMAG and flood the entire history exhibits, leaving history exhibits flooded forever.
SFX (C) 1993
(C) 1993 Scholastic
(C) 1993 Full Moon Features
(C) 1993 Krinkels
(C) 1993 Cheshyre
since Ursula means "little bear" like Ursa Minor, I think that you could have chosen a better name like Barbara which means mysterious stranger.
Good name meaning. Thanks.
Visualls looks like CalArts LOL.
Yeah LOL.