Solid graphics nice work on this one
nOTE: This is an older animation of mine and one of the first 3d animations i created, so yes, it's a bit clumsy looking.
In this surreal infomercial of gloriousness, Cloud voidus shows his latest product: A thingie that uses your mind to...uhm....what? I'm....What does this thing do? Ok, it goes from mind vaporizer to a thing that changes when someone looks at it? wh....wha? THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE, CLOUD! JEEZ, IF YOU'RE GONNA RELEASE A DAMN PRODUCT AT LEAST MAKE SENSE!! AND THAT'S NOT A DUCK, IT'S A FUCKING STARBURST....Ok, you know what? I wasn't paid enough by cloud to write this rant. Clearly, this is something that doesn't make sense because Cloud gets really high. You know come to think of it that's probably why he's called cloud....cuz he's always high. Uhm, anyways, watch the video or go the fuck away, you dweebs. - Michael Jackson, Cloud's description writer person.
Solid graphics nice work on this one