Ok, where to start. First, i really tried to play your game, but:
- "g" to pick up items? really? why not got for it and make it "k". It's just as comfortable to reach as "g" while playing with wasd
- where to aim to pick up things? Some crosshair would help in my mind.
- it's super laggy, but that could be my PC
- when running against a wall you get pushed back 5 meters. Feels wrong :D
- the text "you found a key" doesn't disappear. did i just found another one? or was it the key 5 min ago?
- where is my inventory. how many keys do i already have? How many shapes?
Yes, you are right, i didn't made it to the end of the game. Maybe i would have found some more points to mention, maybe some mechanisms get clearer later.
For 3 Weeks the game looks ok basically, but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable to play at the same time.