kinda funny, at leest it doesnt take that long to load...
kinda funny, at leest it doesnt take that long to load...
What The Hell Is This Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
dude lol that shit is so stupid it made me laugh hey jus promise me this plz dont make another. none don't even try this is truly a work of shit any 1 agree?
Whats the point of this movie?
When i searched for a parachute movie i was expecting something worth watching,but this obviously isnt.And also,i realized you were speaking french."Hey man,ca cest un site anglais fak envoie des films en anglais,ok?!"Nothing else to say except that there was no effort put into this.
sooooooooooooooooooo bad
sssssssssoooooooooooooooooo bad it was funny!!
The only way to explain why your parents kept you is that you somehow survived abortion after they saw how fucked up you looked on the ultra-sound.