BRUUHHHH, IT's a F(by respect) nightmare
The cruelty of creature
Torture and killing other for entertainment
Who is the last survivor?
BRUUHHHH, IT's a F(by respect) nightmare
I personally loved E and B while my favorite victims were 2 and 4! ^_^
D/4, they've got pretty eyes..
Ok, why did I start to know pretty blood in September 2023 :( like why I did not know Pretty Blood in 2023 August July or June or earlier like in 2018 like ik that I saw the video I think in June 2023 where RInny was killing an OC cat but idk if this makes me feel lucky if I only watched once or several times on youtube shorts like I think god does not love me like why it chose September 2023 for me? why..... I am kinda also there were no videos by lct in September 2023 on YouTube and I only saw one that was from August and that was just the neighbor
well some people stopped posting Pretty Blood in August 2023 which was close to September 2023 for example on Newgrounds @sadostar stopped posting pretty blood in august because pretty blood September or later are trash like me also @crustyrat1601
youtube stopped posting about pretty blood in August 2023 and guess what... he or she also started to know pretty blood before June 2023 like a meme animation called scp 3008 from January 2023 I think there were Instagram videos of pretty blood from March 2023 I think my life is fucked up.... also some pretty blood amv from 2019 by a polish person like me being polish and also a meme animation of space blubbies from 2020 I think a person named @ShadowLord from youtube know pretty bloon i think since 2018 like he was making reaction videos of it but he also showed a video of lct's for a video called pretty blood in a nutshell which was I think in 2018 damn I wish we could find lct's lost youtube videos but I still feel upset about myself, why I did not know pretty blood like in 2018 but in goddamn 2023! like damn, the lost lct's videos I only know are pretty blood, in a nutshell, the necro worms trailer and pretty blood and another trailer, and also another youtube person from 2018 who reacted to necro worms, and this boy's name was @anticringezone1778, well idk what am I going to do in life since I am upset that I am not the old pretty blood fan well like @donnie-keller and echo whiskey are the old pretty blood fan and I think that @donnie-keller started pretty blood in 2018 by I think seeing pretty blood in a nutshell and it popped out in his recommended in 2018 but I think meanwhile me on 5th September 2023 the video called shotgun is your best friend popped out and I watched it and I started to know pretty blood every day
well why pretty blood did not appear in my recommended then in 2018 or before 2023? why did it choose me to watch Pretty Blood lately? why..... ok I guess that was all I could say. I wish there was a time machine that I could time travel so I could watch lct's videos but idk how did happen that I knew Finobe in 2018 and not pretty blood well when I knew alphabet lore in September 2022 even tho it started in February 2022 then I was not complaining but meanwhile pretty blood videos before 2023 make me jealous ok i guess that's I just made the longest comment in this video oh also i forgot to say something when i was complaining To sohan for not being the old pretty blood fan then he was barely replying to me like I think he did not care about me but i think he should know pretty blood more often I also found DeviantArt arts from 2019 like rinny's daughter that looked it was from 2023 but 2019 and also an art titled Rinny Human VER From Pretty Blood FANART was from 2019 too also some art fro march 2019 called riny that it is also from 2019. Btw nice video