pointless tutorial.
Orbit Hops is a arcade game where you need to avoid enemies and obstacles while you're orbiting around the spikes.
This game has very simple controls.
Press 'D' or 'A' to jump right or left.
Orbit Hops is available for Android.
Any suggestions are welcome!
pointless tutorial.
A "tutorial" should tell you the fundamentals of the game without killing you, like that you cant touch the black line, or go off the screen. I don't mind learning by dying, but that's not the point of a tutorial.
Are you supposed to be able to alter your flight path? Cause if you jump into one of the spikes that comes out from the center point, and you stick to it for a while, you start turning, and that changes your flight path. It moves the point that pulls you to somewhere else, changing up the entire game. It was probably the most enojying thing to do with the game, even if it probably wasn't meant to happen.
No you shouldn't be able to alter your flight path. It's just a bug, and it'll be fixed in the next version of the game. Thanks for reporting it.