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Ball Run

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Author Comments

My first game. Self explanatory gameplay. Use arrow keys. Platformer

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For a first game, it's not bad. The graphics are fine, the platforms are well placed, and it's simple and easy to understand. The one thing that could use some work is the controls, as well as speed. If you hold down the left or right button for a small amount of time, the ball will go flying across the level. The controls are also very loose: whenever I turned left or right, it felt as if there was a delay between each press.

Overall, not a bad game. Definitely has potential to be something greater though.

Cute game. I liked the fact you used the old 3D Amiga Ball for it.
The controls feel a little loose, and the ball moves too quickly for navigating to be effective.

Still, good first try. Keep at it mate, this is your first step.

Small game(guessing a work in progress) with good gameplay, mechanics, and great graphics, dont really have any complaints except the levels are easy to cheat.

Simple, basic, fun for a few minutes. There's a neat little trick in the second level (the one with the long diagonal run-up) where holding Up allows the ball to cling to the bottom of the platform and travel up its length upside-down.

I will give to you 4 stars as a little push for you continue your work.
I guess you like Red Ball series as me too. We have a lack of this kind of game on the internet, but many people like it.
About your game: the ball have a super speed, what means less control and easier to overpass obstacles. I liked the design, reminds me of Red Ball 1, but you can make a more simple game, what means: less effort to make more levels.
Also I did not hear any noise or music.
Keep up with the good work!

Credits & Info

2.33 / 5.00

Apr 15, 2018
7:50 PM EDT