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You help Limeguy guide his brother, the main hero, Pieguy to the end of the levels. Limeguy is able to step around obstacles without getting hurt, unlike his brother, Pieguy (who is very stubborn and determined to march forward towards the goal).

To Guide Pieguy around you can:
-You can stop Limeguy in front of him to turn him around;
-You can have Limeguy duck around him to make him jump;
-or Hold SHIFT, SPACE, Z keys to make Pieguy move faster,
You can also use X and Y buttons or the Right Trigger on the Xbox Controller to make Pieguy move faster too.

Limeguy controls are:
-Arrow keys to move Left, Right, Duck, and Jump.
-You can also use to Jump are: X key; A button; B button.
-He can duck while in the air too to do some tricky trickies.

This game was made using Construct 3's free trial for the Construct 3 Game Jam. It is my first game made and it took awhile understanding it and using it to the best on what I had access to. It is a great game making tool, and feels better than Clickteam Fusion in my opinion.

Took a look at the 40 events I was using and was able to reduce some to add more stuff into the game!
Added health (health counter upper left corner), background music (my music still sux lol), moved some guys around.
Added Xbox Controller support too!

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Really great concept! Love the 8-bit style! I also can make Limeguy trap Pieguy between a wall and himself! It's really funny watching Pieguy go back and forth endlessly!

IXthe2nd responds:

I stuck with the 8-bit style due to the limited assets I had. Pieguy was made for a different game I'm working on and decided to go with Super Mario Bros. Theme because that's what he represents in that game; with some added elements I thought are fun too. Thanks for the feed back. :)

I love the old-school 8-bit platformer aesthetic you created, both visually and aurally, that works wonderfully for your concept, and it is a good concept to make the main character completely dependent on you, the player being the assistant.

Sadly the player controls have some glaring flaws. Pieguy seems to have no trouble jumping over obstacles once prompted to do so, but Limeguy freezes if he so much as touches an obstacle mid-jump, which especially becomes problematic if Pieguy moves far enough away that Limeguy is off-screen; while it's likely that Pieguy will die anyways if he got that far away, it certainly feels like the player isn't given a chance to recover, a chance players will at least want to feel.

While I used Limeguy's momentum to help get ahead of Pieguy just in time to make him jump, that same momentum makes it hard to precisely jump to stomp on enemies before Pieguy hits them. Limeguy either needs tighter air-controls, or Pieguy may need to be slightly more independent.

Lastly, while yes you included instructions in the description, it's generally good design practice to have instructions accessible in your game, either from the main menu, or via a pause menu if you've room to include one (which the free version doesn't leave a lot of I'll admit).

From a more experienced developer or someone with access to more than what the free version of Construct 3 offers these gameplay errors would be inexcusable. But I am aware of those limitations and would like to reassure you, your concept is great, but if you pursue this project further I strongly encourage you to take a look at anything you can do to improve on this.

Good luck in the Game Jam!

IXthe2nd responds:

Thanks for the support; I did some touching up, it helped me figured out why Limeguy gets stuck like that. Some of it is due to how the engine works and me being still unfamiliar with it.

A nice idea and fun to play!
One downside: the controls do not feel "tight". It was hard for me to land on an enemy.
Perhaps you can play around with the platform settings?

IXthe2nd responds:

I get what ya mean. Thanks.

A really good concept that is pretty unique here on newgrounds. I love the classic pixel design and the levels remind me of Super Mario Bros. Music could be still better tho. This game is really underrated. Imo needs more attention.

IXthe2nd responds:

Thanks man, I did have a hard time with the music, I'm pretty much inexperienced with making any kind of music really. I am looking to improve it or have someone else do it (I don't know anyone else who works with FamiTracker).

? Pieguy just dies every game, can't get past about 3 seconds of gameplay...
Should Pieguy move past the turtle walking towards him?

IXthe2nd responds:

Limeguy can move past the turtle but Pieguy cannot and will get hurt. Best to have Limeguy jump on it or have Limeguy make Pieguy jump on/over it.

Credits & Info

2.30 / 5.00

Mar 29, 2018
1:43 PM EDT
  • Construct 3