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My first time attempting to make a game while teaching myself how to code from scratch.

contains many bugs im attempting to fix such as:
- jumping while not on floor
- large hitBoxes
- falling through the ground

also working on and animation for the ending.

Improvements: Jumping Noise/

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Pretty good for your first game, especially when teaching yourself. Keep up the good work.

simple but good for your first game, just improve your game. suggestions: add enemies to the ground and flying enemies, if implemented the previous add something to combat enemies, add more levels, perhaps an upgrade menu, add sound effects and background music, if the game has many levels add a save and load menu.
Continue developing... nice.

odionsullivan responds:

Hi LycanSlayer
Some of the components you have suggested are next to impossible in the software I used (AdobeAnimate - ActionScript3). However I am making the switch to Unity and C# in the hopes of developing games which incorporate the components you've suggested :)
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the feedback.

Not bad for a start, no bugs found, but yunno, you need to fix that movement over the platforms, the fact the character doesn't move with it when the char is over it is a bit weird. Is your first game, and I tell you Is not half bad... gl and keep going, yer doing good ( ^-^)b

odionsullivan responds:

Hi MoonDragonSpirit,
That platform moving issue was perhaps the thing I spent the most time attempting to fix however I was not successful. I am still attempting to fix it as it is essential to the games improvement.
I'm glad you enjoyed it otherwise and thanks for the feedback :)

A very simple game, but also fun. I noted that the character doesn't move with the moving platforms, that and the large hitboxes are a little problem. Also, the jump is too short, sometimes I needed to make risk jumps in order to reach hight places.

Overall, a simple and fun game that need a little polished. Great work.

odionsullivan responds:

Hi LadiMetalEclypse,
Glad you enjoyed it. I'm still working to fix the problems you've pin pointed as they are exactly the problems I found most difficult to solve during the games development. When these have been rectified I'll re-submit the file.
Cheers for the feedback.

Credits & Info

2.58 / 5.00

Mar 10, 2018
11:24 AM EST