Not really that funny. The art is OK, but the animation is stiff. Keep at it though.
This was created by myself and a small animation club in Milwaukee, Wi where we tried to do all the art, music and voice acting in a few nights. It was kind of fun to make jokes about my favorite video game characters. Worked hard on it. Hope you enjoy.
Not really that funny. The art is OK, but the animation is stiff. Keep at it though.
This is funny
The art style was the only good part of this animation. I like myself some traditional looking styles. Though the whole idea/plot/jokes were really unfunny and unoriginal. The whole "video game characters doing drugs and talking about sex is hilarious because they don't do that!!" has been a dead horse since 2016. Humor is subjective so meh. You have potential art wise, but it's best if used on better works.
Loved the voice for toilet man, however I t hink that the cartoon dragged out for too long. Props to your team for making the art look good, has a sorta distinct style to it.