Made with HaxeFlixel. Check out the source code to make your own changes to the game and learn something new! https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-demos/tree/dev/Arcade/FlxLightPuzzle
This is a demo of some of the features of HaxeFlixel as well as my first game in a while. To get started with your first game, 30th prototype, or next Ludum Dare project, check out this hot link: http://haxeflixel.com/documentation/getting-started/
NinjaMuffin learned from this code before making FnF, that's why. Do it for the people
I like this too
A very solid prototype, definitely worth expanding on. I thought a few levels had challenging solutions, but once i figured them out it was a game of clicking the right pixel. I say show the would be path before I have to commit to it so that the entire challenge is about discovering the solution rather than executing it correctly. I must've hit the reset button 100 times, it was pretty frustrating. If you don't agree, at least put an undo button.
Mobile worked pretty well, overall. only complaint is that resetting the game leaves the Haxe/source part up until you click to the right of it. making your first move difficult.
Lastly, I didn't hear any music, and you should just set RYB by default with the ability to change in the settings. Everyone knows RYB.
Keep at it!
Just noticed this and just noticed the music isn't working... how did that happen when it worked fine before... hmm...
Interesting game. It doesn't work on Safari (11.0.2) though, so I had to use Chrome. Bigger window, better graphics, and better "feedback" to being successful or unsuccessful are needed improvements.
Nothing I can do about Safari, but that explains why it didn't work on my phone. I agree with your feedback, but this was intended to be a short demo that I decided to upload here too.
I finished all the levels! That was thoroughly enjoyable. My favorite was the one the flower one. I like how it involved both figuring out how to go about it and getting the angles just right.
I noticed you compute the intersection before the beam finishes its path (so if I try to hit one and then the other really quickly so it can get to its target before it intersects) it will still change color even though the other beam isn't there yet. I was a bit dissapointed. I think making it so that you can't fire until the previous one has settled might make it look more visually consistent.
You're right, I didn't even think of solving puzzles that way.
... you know if you want to get into Haxe, you could make that change yourself and PR it :P