I really enjoyed. Fun character design and great capture of moition! Did you also do the sound design by yourself? Impressive!
First of all: Big Thanks to people that gave me feedback on my previous animation, which are:
1/ DubstepJoltik
2/ KozyCat
The reason why I'm still didn't have any complete animation, is because I'm just a beginner in animation, and recently I making a stickfigure animation for one of my friend, I upload these "sketchy animation" is because I need feedback to improve my skill ... I think I'm rambling for way too long :P anyway, please give me feedback and support me on other webstie, have a good day :D
I really enjoyed. Fun character design and great capture of moition! Did you also do the sound design by yourself? Impressive!
Good 2D animation skills.
Even though it was short, and looked a bit unfinished.
I enjoyed it.
well, ... I'm wayyyyy too lazy to do the lineart :P
I think your 'skill' is at a pretty impressive level already, considering you consider yourself a beginner! The movement, timing and sound here is all top notch... and a splat-on ending that just perfectly sums it up... somehow. :D If there's anything to improve, I'm thinking maybe the eye trails look a bit too long, and maybe better to color the entire eyes rather than have a line flow from them, when they're all black from the start? Other that: awesome work! Easy to follow, full of anticipation and action all the way.
oh ... that's very helpful, I'll work more about those eye trails ... they do look abit lame :P And about my skill, they're not that impressive, but by far, this is the most helpful comment I've ever read in this post :D
Hey, this is pretty damn cool, especially the sound effects and effects animation. As for more critical critique; If you played more into extreme poses and frame favoring that could help. And while everything has a good weight, things could definitely be bounced harder with more emphasis on secondary animation.
I like this comment :D
Really nice sense of weight and force!
They look ookay to me ... but "nice" is abit too much XD