Episode 50
Nice job on episode 50, So I actually like this series I think you can really improve onto this even more such as change up the set maybe every 10 episodes just like they do on real shows or have a video screen with some funny clip moments, maybe even some backstage studeo hidden camera scenes would be another point. and as I mentioned in the other ep 49 have some guest stars like celebs on aswell. And so once again this was a decent Flash I really liked what you presented, now ofcourse there was some improvments that could make it much better I suggested some ideas below, but for what it is you presented a good flash with an entertaining and replay value, so with that said keep up the good work it was a pretty decent work of flash, So keep it up. Will be here for the next 50 aswell lol.
Above I have mentioned a good few ideas that could make this go into other directions but keep it the same idea as alot of tonight shows go thru changes.