FIN XD buen trabajo bro
This was my project for my media course this year. After I handed it in, it just sat in my files doing absolutely nothing, so I decided to upload it. I know it's not the best thing in the world, but hey, I hope you like it!
All music and sounds are royalty free, and all artwork for the animation was done by myself.
Also, for the record, I use the username GoldenBarrelCactus on everything, such as my dA ( which is why it's listed as a GoldenBarrelCactus film. If I can change my username on this site, I will.
FIN XD buen trabajo bro
Well that was nice. :) Feels like the story doesn't really lead anywhere, so I'm wondering if it's in reference to some series/game/movie/something I don't know about? As is, I'm not sure what pun or plotline to derive from it, feels like it ended before it really reached something, but till that point: nice work! Definitely better to upload than let it keep gathering dust. :)
Ahhh! That was fun!