hey i found a glitch if you put something in front of where the cube people show up from you can't pick it up again [found that out bc i did it with the watering can] really fun otherwise!
Hi! This is the game I've made for the Ludum Dare 40 game jam (which happened almost 2 weeks ago). It was made in 3 days with all the art made straight inside Construct 2's sprite editor (which in the end looked better than the last-minute, "proper" art I tried to draw). Nevertheless I had lots of fun creating it. Hope you like it! :)
hey i found a glitch if you put something in front of where the cube people show up from you can't pick it up again [found that out bc i did it with the watering can] really fun otherwise!
Cute and fun for a short time. The biggest problem is that you can buy one seed of every color but get three red ones out and if no red merchants come along you automatically lose.
Makes no sense whatsoever. Absolutely no skill or tactics can be used due to the fact that you run out of money faster than you can do anything and the plants come out random colors so you can't even try to plant one of every color. It's like a rouge-like without any sort of fun or strategy.
That's cool, thanks for the feedback. Although, the plants should have grown in the color of the seeds you put in them, so that might be a bug (that I thought I fixed). I agree though that more system balancing should have gone into it, since I focused more on implementing those things and just loosely eyed out the values. :)
really fun and cute game! it's pretty addictive, and i like the adorable art style!
Thank you! :3