So many dark cartoons today! :O Love the way the mood builds up, and the animation's smooth and fluent, just so... depressing. It's winter huh. The leg idea somehow made it all make sense, somehow... senseless as it is. Nice work.
when i was making this movie i thoght that it will be some kind of joke or just a funny cartoon
So many dark cartoons today! :O Love the way the mood builds up, and the animation's smooth and fluent, just so... depressing. It's winter huh. The leg idea somehow made it all make sense, somehow... senseless as it is. Nice work.
thanks a lot)
I loved the leg walking animation it was nice and fluid :D
Overall it was a really nice animation and I liked the dark humor
thank you ;)
Good sound work and decent animation, but I can't help but wonder what made you go with that ending.
thanks :)
Well, that escalated quickly.
Music was great, art and animation was alright. Pretty good pacing overall though, I just don't really understand Larry's character. I know I probably shouldn't be trying to put logic to this but, just hear me out.
If Larry lost half of his body and was still "alive" enough to go searching for his legs, that'd make him kinda like a zombie, right? I was under the impression that he was. Anyway, if he's a lifeless zombie, how would he be able to lose his sense of life and then kill himself if he didn't have a sense of life in the first place? It probably would've worked better if Larry killed himself before he turned into a zombie, then became a soccer-loving zombie, and THEN went looking for his lost legs (after mysteriously losing them, or forgetting where he put them).
Also, why add speech bubbles in a silent movie? Why not just let Larry say what he needs to say during text caption scenes?
thanks) well, Larry didn't turn into a zombie) to be honest, there was nothing about the zombies in my movie) he just lost his legs and then he found them and that's it) but some time after that, he lost his sense of life, and that's the problem that he couldn't solve. you kinda overthinking about the plot) but jeez, i love your version of the plot. i feel kinda bad that i didn't thought about the zombies, your idea is great!
and about that speech know, i thought that it will be interesting cuz i never saw that in other movies. i just saw this cartoon exactly in that way, with all those speech bubbles like in comic book, you know. but anyway, i always trying to find something that would be different from other movies.
thanks a lot for your review))