The game is simple, but has potential. I liked putting more control options for both movement and shooting.
The level could have this duration if there were more variation of enemies. For now it's a bit tiring.
Hope this helps. Good job!
An action game in the test phase. Different enemies, only one phase, but lots of action. Have fun!
Move: Arrows or W,A,S,D
Shoot: Ctrl or Space
The game is simple, but has potential. I liked putting more control options for both movement and shooting.
The level could have this duration if there were more variation of enemies. For now it's a bit tiring.
Hope this helps. Good job!
Thank you for your rating We put new control options to make the gaming experience better.
Regarding the duration of the level, we have two alternatives: Reduce the amount of waves or add new types of enemies.
We opted for the second alternative.
It will take a while, but it will be rewarding.
Change shoot asap!
Thank you for your rating We put new control options to make the gaming experience better. We are working on new modifications and levels.
CouldnĀ“t play.
reason: pressing "CTRL" ingame several times opens the chrome bookmark feature in google chrome browser.
Please use space to shoot.
Also, after dieing a second time, Chrome threw an error message.
nice start :)
Thank you for your rating We put new control options to make the gaming experience better.
We are also adding other types of ships so the level does not get so monotonous and presents new wave variations.
And finally, we're fixing the bugs that are being reported.
Cool !
But this game is too long and gets boring after a point.
Maybe you could add in upgrades early on so that you could survive a little more and clean spaceships faster!
The first level itself was very long and I still don't know if there are more levels and just gave up.
Too plain for me.It felt like the Back ground needs to move as you keep flying forward because
it looked like everything was standing still.
Would also appreciate if you could add English to the game!
But I loved the fact that you put a Full screen mode.
This game could be made better with improvements everyday!
Well done and Good Luck further!
Thank you for your rating We put new control options to make the gaming experience better.
We are also adding other types of ships so the level does not get so monotonous and presents new wave variations.
And finally, we're fixing the bugs that are being reported.