Please keep making these, I'm loving these!
Hey now! What better way to get up on what's happening 'dis Thoisday then with a hot cup a coffee and yas' pal Jimmy Pee!
Please keep making these, I'm loving these!
haha thanks, RoboRick :-D
This is really not that funny.
The lines are a bit messy,
even I, an aspie, had conversations more structured than this.
And the rape joke wasn't funny.
Sorry! haha I'll try harder. I'm not into super clean lines though, but I will work harder on the jokes. Thanks for your feedback. For real tho.
I admit this was kind of weak. When you have something that's daily, it's hard to really judge them individually. Where were the tree tings? Thanks for always responding to my reviews, but you don't need to. I always have to see them right away. Dustin Hoffman?
I hadn't heard of that. Well, it's really everyone nowadays. It's been said the planet would die if the bees went extinct. Well, that might have been a misquote by Albert Einstein. This was still kinda good.
hahaha Thanks. yeah Will work harder. It was a weird news day because of that asshat that ran over all the bike riders in NYC. I am a bike rider in NYC so I was pissed and did a whole thing about it, but then thought it wasn't funny so I bailed on it and made this weird episode instead haha.