I don't like giving out bad reviews, I'm usually generous, but unfortunately, this is not a good game in almost any aspect. First, it bears a striking resemblance to Super Meatboy, aesthetically. and it is clearly inspired from it, which is fine, but let's dive a little deeper into this game. So the premise is that you are placed in a level where there are hazards, coins, and a door, jump your way to victory. Seems simple, but it's the way you go about achieving your goal is where this game's fatal flaw lies. You tried to make this game challenging, but you did in the most unintuitive way possible, by making the hazards invisible until you die and "blood" splatters revealing what killed and maybe some platform. This is not real challenge, you aren't testing a players skill or intelligence by doing this, you're testing how far a player will go to accomplish a tedious task, and yes, it is tedious, because there is no reason to even progress through the levels, no goal or even a carrot on a stick to motivate you. In a game like Super meatboy, Megaman, Shovel Knight, the challenges you face are clear, you see them, you know what you're going up against, and it's up to the player to figure out how to handle it. In THIS game however, you know EXACTLY how to go about the challenges the game throws at you, it's the obstacles themselves that aren't clear. That isn't good game design, that is akin to shenanigans you'll find in the Unfair Platformer, but this game is not a parody of itself. When you force to player to do something as menial as jump around the level and die a bunch of times to reveal where the spikes and platforms are, you create a chore for the player to do, not a game for the player to play.
Next to that, the music is somewhat nice, but lacks variety, the artwork is laughably simple, and the controls are ridiculous, too much sensitivity on the jump.
The only thing I somewhat liked was the splatter when you die, it was kind of nice.
Half a star, because it does look some effort was put into this. Bad concept overall.