Season 1 Episode 1 : "Got to Go Back In Time"
Production Code: LAB01
Original Release Date: December 15th, 2015
The series premiere of "Animo", an animated series created by Bluestone TE in 2015 centering around the Sci-Fi adventures of Koplins, Denman and their friends, allies, enemies, and whatever else!
-- Episode Description --
Koplins invents a time a machine and travel to the future with his friend,
Denman. However through some bad luck, things get... Out of hand...
Characters present:
-- Episode Credits --
Story & Animation By: @SunSmog
Beta Tester: @EllipticalSystems
Animo Theme By: @WhittyJr
Note: This episode was created in 2015, the year that Doc and Marty travel to in
"Back to the Future Part I" and was an attempt to parody the film to mark the occasion.
Note 2: This is the only episode animated using Toon Boom, the rest of the series was
animated in Flash.