Dang wtf?
This is an adaptation of an old comic my friends and I drew: http://greasymoose.com/houseofsquid/169.html
If you would like to see more of this stunning amazing heartfelt family dramatic emotional content then consider becoming my patron: http://patreon.com/sexualobster
Voice actors:
Mother: Vonbomb - http://youtube.com/vonbomb
Billy: Ocelot VA - https://www.youtube.com/ocelotva
Annoying kid and tattoo artist: Guy Chase - chaceeddie1@gmail.com
Father - me.
Check out my music: https://sexualobster.bandcamp.com/
And my shirt shop: https://teespring.com/stores/sexualobster
Thanks for watching!
Dang wtf?
Ehh.. Expected more.
Very nice animation....i like the exprations in this animation....
This went all over the place and I really liked it. Animation was pretty good, voice acting was good, and the premise was pretty sweet.
Instant classic sweet.