Awww. I am no longer a practicing Christian in the sense that most people think of, and have never been an intolerant bible-thumper, (I am a Truth-Seeker, first and foremost) but this was lovely and innocent and kind. And He was beautiful, so beautiful. Just as I've always imagined Him. (Anime guys are rather pretty, almost angelic/elfish... why not?) If He is real, and like this, when we all die, it will be wonderful. Everyone will be included, and loved, and warmed, and safe, and free. And whole. A lovely little flash. I usually laugh at these religious flashes because they are painfully childish and silly. But this one was earnest, and gentle, and kind. I appreciated it very much. What can I say? I'm a romantic, and I want such a loving, gentle creature to be real. (Needs some proofreading though.)