I've seen quite a few of these pop up around the portals, while the animation has improved you still use text to speech- something which I am not too big of a fan of and judging by the reviews people leave other aren't as well. Some of your backgrounds are clearly just photos with a cartoony filter over them which just seems kinda lazy.
But what really drags this down is the plot- no one wants to come to Newgrounds to watch a webisode about recycling. Though that mainly comes down to how you presented it. I've seen shows where they take a basic concept such as making a cake or walking the dog that is presented well and makes the animation good over all but that is all because there is some sort of obstacle prevented the protagonist from achieving what they want. Here there is no obstacle there isn't even a protagonist from what I've seen.
It's just "hey recycle" "oh someone did not recycle but it's cool" end
there were no stakes and it was over all boring to watch.
So how could one improve this? Well:
Focus on a single character, know what they want- what keeps them from getting what they want
now know the obstacle
How does the character want to get around this?
This movie was nothing to watch really there was no need for this story to be told in my opinion, no stakes were at play.
Think of your favorite book, play, or movie. It has characters perusing something but something else keeps them from getting this, creating drama.
ie: Spongebob makes krabby patty pizza so he and Squifward set off to deliver it (characters and what they want), along the way they get lost (obstacle), through the trials they are tempted as squid-ward is trying to get the pizza but spongebob refuses to let him have it because it's for the customer (conflict/drama), they eventually get it delivered and everything is good.
People love drama/conflict and to refuse to acknowledge that is to refuse to entertain.